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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Part 8: Best of Bourdain in Australia: Melbourne

G'day mates. There aren't many Tony episodes to choose from in this part of the world (although Tahiti and New Zealand would have been sexier choices and we did greatly appreciate Tony's hobbit feet in the New Zealand episode), but we most enjoyed Tony's time in Melbourne because we were surprised by it. Yes. That's right. Australia always seemed quite boring to Mr. and Mrs. Fashionista, but Tony made me think we might be wrong. Now why is this the location that wins?

1. Melbourne. Tony basically eats his way through this surprisingly charming city. He visits a meat and produce market and visits chef Paul Wilson's restaurant Half Moon.It's just a good lookin' town with good lookin' food.

2. Trugo. Watching Tony play awkwardly situated sports is always fun, and this game, where one must turn around backwards and hit a rubbet puck with a mallet through two posts does not disappoint.
Sydney Road

3. Dunkhill. After sampling many different ethnic cuisines on Sydney Road, Tony heads out to Dunkhill, a small town, nestled at the bottom of the Grampian Mountains, with a super gourmet restaurant which is completely self-sustained. We are completely obsessed with these self-sustained restaurants and hope to someday to visit one. Plus, the scenery is not bad at all.

Grampian Mountains

It think the name of the game in Australia is that you don't really have any idea what it is all about, what it looks like, other than some Mad Max version of the landscape. And for that reason, it's never caught my imagination really. Yet, Tony's show in Melbourne shows a much more varied landscape with many different kinds of food and I think a trip to Australia might need to be in the works after all. And with that, we have given you the best of Tony. Let us know if you think we've overlooked any of his other fabulous episodes.

By the way, next week, he'll be in Madrid. We are very much looking forward to it as it is a  foodie city that likes to party! Tony's gonna have a good old time. Ole!

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